Things have been great this week.
I've recovered from my little hissy fit last week and have decided not to worry about other people's opinions because they have no idea. Things with T have been really good this week and I've been trying to relax, have fun, and let her dad deal with her when he's home.
The little ones are doing well. Elizabeth is trying really hard to walk. She walks if we hold her hands, and sometimes if we hold just one hand. It's so sweet to see the determination on her face! Her sleep has been all over the place lately. For the last few nights she's woken around 2 or 3am and won't go back to sleep so we've been bringing her into our bed. Sometimes she goes straight to sleep, and other times she just squirms around like a lunatic until I get the shits and put her back in the cot. We were hoping to move her in with her brother soon but I really don't want to be getting up 4 times a night to put her dummy back in when she's in another room.
She has a few words now- Mum, poo (she curls her lips inwards and goes pppppp whist blowing air), and ball. I'm not worried about her speech at all, even though I know babies a lot younger than her who have a much wider vocabulary. Jimmy wasn't really saying very much at the same age and now he's an amazing talker.
Jimmy is such a joy. He entertains us all day long by saying silly things and showing off. Unfortunately he is spending far too much time in front of the television but I'm doing my best to whittle down the time spent in front of it. Now that he and Elizabeth enjoy playing together, I'm trying to get them both involved in activities together.
Jimmy is moving up to a different room at day care as of next week. The teachers have decided he is going to skip the next room (for 2-4 year olds) and go straight to the 3-6 year old room. The classroom is amazing and full of really interesting things to see and do, and Jimmy loves it. He spent the whole day there after morning tea for the last two weeks and will again this week. It's his third birthday on Friday and next week he will be able to formally join the Rembrandt room.
We are going to take him to Fleay's wildlife park on Friday. It's a surprise and he will love it. I haven't been there since high school so I'm looking forward to it.
Simple life workshops on Zoom UPDATED
3 days ago
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