Monday, September 13, 2010

Caution: This may be very distressing to read. However, I think it's beneficial to read it. The news this week featured many stories about the 9 year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, but no-one seems to care about other tragedies that have occurred in Eastern or Third World countries.

I just watched Four Corners on the ABC. It was about the flooding in Pakistan.

My god, my heart is breaking.

They were filming in a 'ward' (a corridor of the hospital) for children affected by diarrhea (sp) following the flood. The doctor was telling the reporter about some of the patients- one of them a one-year-old girl suffering from diarrhea, malnutrition, dehydration and abdominal distension.

While they were filming, the girl stopped breathing and died.

Her mother carried her out of the room alone, looking completely lost and bewildered. Someone said, "Her eyes are open, close them with some water". So she did. Then she continued walking down the corridor with her dead baby.

The world is so unfair. I want to cry and cry and cry.


Stacey said...

Oh fuck it's horrible hey? I have an image burned into my retina forever I think, but you're right, our media doesn't seem to give a shit.

Unknown said...

Totally's amazing the horror/desperation/war etc that goes on and doesn't get the media recognition. Money talks I guess but to me a person is a person regardless