Wow, I haven't blogged for a while! Probably because I don't have anything interesting to say!
Hmmm, let's see...
Elizabeth is now 6 months old. That's 6 months of expressing an average of 4 times a day, washing bottles twice a day, boiling the kettle countless times each is so tedious, and I've got another 6 months until I reach my minimum goal!
Breastfeeding has gone out the window completely. I tried doggedly for about 2 weeks to put her on the breast once a day. She would turn her head away as soon as she saw it, and cry after a few seconds. While she cried, I took advantage of her open mouth and shoved the nipple in. She would attach every time, have a few sucks, then come off screaming. Every session was the same. I've decided that I don't have the patience or energy to pursue it. I feel like a failure in some ways, but then when I think about the awesome job I'm doing of providing her with nature's best, I don't feel so bad.
She still cries a lot...pretty much every time I put her down *sigh*. However, she is a lot happier than previously. She smiles heaps and loves sitting on my hip, looking around at everything. She has had a few nibbles of food and is showing a great deal of interest in it. I'm not going to do the spoon-feeding-mush thing with her. It will be very interesting explaining the concept of baby led solids to my husband and MIL!
Jimmy is as hilarious as ever. He is really using his imagination. He makes animals out of his hands (crabs, dogs and birds) and makes machinery (cement mixers, rubbish trucks, cranes) out of anything he can get his hands on.
He loves drawing and has recently learned how to draw circles and straight(ish) lines.
He loves exploring outside, annoying the dog, plane/helicopter/machinery spotting, and animals.
He's such a beautiful little boy. We are so lucky to have him!
We are going to give day care another go. We're going for a visit tomorrow. We'll see how it turns out!
I am still struggling to put on weight. At the moment I am the lightest I've been since my dad passed away. I have no arse and I hate the feeling of the bum of my jeans sagging all the time. At least I have some boobs though!
I'm slowly trying to get back on top of the housework. Our house still resembles a war zone but I have managed to vacuum twice in the last fortnight (!!!!) and take a bag or two of crap to Lifeline every Monday. I'm selling or giving away all of the clothes the kids have outgrown, as well as the nappies that don't work for us or are too small. I have been baking once or twice a week, and am staying on top of all the washing- nappies one day, clothes or towels or whites on the alternate days.
Ok, sick of typing now.
I've got about 3kg you can have! ;)
Elizabeth has gotten SO BIG! You are doing an awesome job, remember that whenever you get the failure feelings. I daresay I'd struggle to exclusively express.
I second that to the awesome job you are doing honey. I am so proud of you. All the other things on your mind will all come together. You have heaps of love and support around you. Big hugs mumma you're rocking it with those darlings of yours.
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