My little baby is absolutely kicking the heck out of me! I think I'm about 26 weeks now and I don't remember feeling James move so much until quite a bit later. It's just so magical to feel my little one moving around and I just can't wait to meet him or her.
I went to see my GP on Tuesday and expressed my wish to have all of McBean's cleft appointments and surgeries done through the Royal Children's Hospital. Luckily my doctor totally rocks and has made some calls (he's good mates with the registrar there) so hopefully the ball will start rolling soon.
I want to go there for a few reasons. Firstly, our one and only experience with the paediatricians at the Gold Coast Hospital was disappointing to say the least. I birthed James there and I have no hesitation in having McBean there either, but the paed there left a bad taste in my mouth. I was speaking to the CEO of the orchestra the other night (who happens to be a placcy surgeon) and he said that most of the best facilites and doctors are to be found in captial cities' hospitals. Also, I met an amazing woman yesterday whose beautiful 11-week old daughter has a complete unilateral cleft lip and palate, and she is going through the RCH and told me it's fantastic.
I'm starting to think about what to write in my birth plan. Number one on the list is that I will not lie on my back for an hour whilst a heart monitor is strapped to me. That was seriously the worst part of my entire labour. I just hated the restriction and the 'unnaturalness' of it. I also want to have a natural 3rd stage (ie. deliver the placenta without them sticking a needle in my thigh) and I want a cloth nappy to be the first thing to touch my little McBean's bum! I know that I will have to tell DH that I am absolutely adamant about these things because he'll probably try and say something like "They know best".
Other stuff...
Jimmy is such an absolute joy. Every morning I hear him talking to himself (via the monitor) and when I go through to him he has the most beautiful smiles. There is a St Andrew's Cross spider encamped across his bedroom window and every time I change his nappy he points to it with glee and talks to it. He has about 70-80 words now, his favourites being 'bokent' (broken), 'gone' and 'Tippy' (Tiffany). Today we were picking Tiff up from school and even though her name had been called numerous times, we were still waiting...he was saying "Tippy...gone!" and putting his hands up in a shrug. Soooooo cute!
We were in this cool toy shop today where they have a train set for the kids to play with inside a little 'elf house'. He was peeking in through the window and making eyes at a pretty little girl about his age, then running inside, picking up a train, bringing it out to me with a look of absolute rapture on his face, then running back inside. He was so beautiful that I could have just cried there and then.
I kiss him about five million times a day. I always knew there was something missing from my life and that being a mum would completely and utterly fulfill me. Ahhhhhhh.
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